Saturday, March 24, 2012

My Health Revolution

Sorry it's been so long since I updated. I have been crazy busy!  My first 2 weeks of "Slim in 6" by BeachBody (Makers of P90X, Insanity etc.)  I have only done two weeks of it but I am LOVING it.  I am only doing about 4-5 days of the DVD routine, even though they recommend 6 days and I am still seeing amazing results!  I just don't have time everyday and I also am working a very physically demanding job.  I do try to get in some type of physical activity each day.  For example, today, I didn't do the DVD, but I spent about an hour outside wrestling with 15 alpacas to give them their shots and trim their toenails, and then I helped my husband clean out the barn and rake leaves etc.  This afternoon I also took my dog on a 20 min walk/run so that helps burn up some extra calories too!  I am not trying to start some rigorous exercise program,  I am just trying to get fit and healthy! 

Before I go,  I just want to give you a brief run down of my average daily meals. 
This week they looked like this:

Breakfast:  Omelet (2 eggs and veggies with a little shredded cheese) 1 Kiwi, 1 cup of Strawberries

Snack: Wheat Thins and a Laughing Cow Cheese

Lunch:  Turkey (or Roast Beef) Sandwich or Roll up with spinach and 1 Slice of Provolone Cheese with 1/2 tsp Olive oil Mayo,  Wheat thins, 1 cup strawberries, 1 Kiwi, sometimes Carrots and Ranch depending on the day.

Snack: FiberOne Bar

Dinner: Ziti with meat sauce and spinach.  Corn, Salad, and one slice of garlic bread. 
I know the dinner doesn't sound all that great, but I was really proud of my portion control!  :-) 

:-) -Ash


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