Saturday, March 24, 2012

My Health Revolution

Sorry it's been so long since I updated. I have been crazy busy!  My first 2 weeks of "Slim in 6" by BeachBody (Makers of P90X, Insanity etc.)  I have only done two weeks of it but I am LOVING it.  I am only doing about 4-5 days of the DVD routine, even though they recommend 6 days and I am still seeing amazing results!  I just don't have time everyday and I also am working a very physically demanding job.  I do try to get in some type of physical activity each day.  For example, today, I didn't do the DVD, but I spent about an hour outside wrestling with 15 alpacas to give them their shots and trim their toenails, and then I helped my husband clean out the barn and rake leaves etc.  This afternoon I also took my dog on a 20 min walk/run so that helps burn up some extra calories too!  I am not trying to start some rigorous exercise program,  I am just trying to get fit and healthy! 

Before I go,  I just want to give you a brief run down of my average daily meals. 
This week they looked like this:

Breakfast:  Omelet (2 eggs and veggies with a little shredded cheese) 1 Kiwi, 1 cup of Strawberries

Snack: Wheat Thins and a Laughing Cow Cheese

Lunch:  Turkey (or Roast Beef) Sandwich or Roll up with spinach and 1 Slice of Provolone Cheese with 1/2 tsp Olive oil Mayo,  Wheat thins, 1 cup strawberries, 1 Kiwi, sometimes Carrots and Ranch depending on the day.

Snack: FiberOne Bar

Dinner: Ziti with meat sauce and spinach.  Corn, Salad, and one slice of garlic bread. 
I know the dinner doesn't sound all that great, but I was really proud of my portion control!  :-) 

:-) -Ash

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

My Health Revolution

I have been really working on eating healthy for the past few months.  I also starting working out with one of Beachbody's programs called "Slim in 6" and I totally love it!  I have lost 7" in just 10 days!  The program is actually something that I can do, and that I enjoy.

I have been really watching what I eat as well.  I have been trying to eat 5-6 small meals a day and that seems to really help with my cravings to snack/munch all day/evening.  I have even been able to start running a little bit which has been a goal of mine for some time!  I am super excited about that one!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Menu Planning Board!

Wow! I didn't realize how long it has been since I had written an actual post!  Things have been crazy!  B is almost out of college and things have just been a whirlwind!

Today I am posting about my newest project!  My Menu Planning Board.

I have been addicted to "Pinterest" lately and I found this on there.  This "Menu Board" is what I based my board off of.  I couldn't do all of the different colors/patterns that she did because I am OCD and I just can't handle that! HAHA!

I have all of the meals that I typically make, plus a few new ones that I threw in the mix, and also included the sides, salads, bread etc that I would make with that meal.  On the back of each card is a list of all the ingredients that I need for those things!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

We Finally Did It!

It has been a long, stressful, and crazy journey, but we did it!  We finally did it!   We closed on our first house.  It is still so exciting I can't even contain it!   We have been dealing with this for over 3 months now.  The banks have gotten really strict on all the guidelines.  If this form wasn't current enough, then that one had expired too.  Or this paystub had the wrong date printed on it.  Really, I'm not kidding about any of that!

I'm just glad we stuck with it.  Now we've just gotta get B through college and then things should calm down!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Steel Cut Oats

Recently I have jumped on the steel cut oats band wagon.  Since I am fairly new to the whole cooking thing, I have been looking for new foods to try.  (We got married in November, so I have been experimenting for the last few months.)   I recently stumbled upon this recipe.

Steel-Cut Oatmeal

4 1/2 cups water
pinch of salt
2 Tbsp butter, diced
1 heaping cup of steel-cut oats

Combine all the above ingredients in a small (2.5-3 quart) crock-pot, and set it on warm.  Let the oats cook overnight, or for 7-8 hours.  Mix gently, and stir in:
1/4 cup brown sugar 
1 tsp vanilla 

You can mix in whatever you want from there:  raisins, dried cranberries, nuts, cinnamon, etc.  Make it your own! 
I actually cooked it in a 1.5 quart slow cooker on warm overnight.  I also just put 3 tsp of brown sugar and about a Tbs of sugar free maple syrup, because my hubby is diabetic.  
If anyone has any other similar suggestions please feel free to add.  I am always in need of new recipes, especially quick breakfast ones!

Thanks for stopping by!
Have a blessed week!
<3 Ash  <3

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 3 — Your parents

Day #3 was way overdue, but here goes...

Mom and Dad,

You where would I be without you?  You have shaped and molded me into who I am today.  You have prayed for me since the second you found out about my arrival.  You prayed for my health, my arrival itself, my childhood, my education, my salvation, my finding a Christian mate, and so much more.  You are amazing people.  You really are.  Words can not express all the ways you have helped me through the worst of times in my life.  You helped me transition when we had to move during my high school years.  You helped me when my best friend died in a sudden accident, you helped me through college, through my engagement/wedding planning, and now you are helping me buy a house.   You have sacrificed so much for me in these 23 years.  I know that once I came along, your lives were forever changed, and that you made daily sacrifices for my well being.

I love you both so much!
Love, Ashley

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 2 — Your Crush

Dear Brice,

Today's letter is supposed to be to my "crush" , but I think you are quite a bit more than a crush.  You are an amazing person.  When I first met you I knew there was something about you that I couldn't let go.  We became the best of friends and could talk for hours.   We would have times where we spent alot of time together, then we would drift apart again.   There was something that always brought us back together.   I remember people at church asking me when we would just get our act together and start dating! haha! 
Our first date was a day I will never forget.  That was the day that I knew that I would marry you.  HaHa!  I just had to figure out how to let you know that.   We grew even closer that summer, and everything after that is a whirlwind.   It is hard to believe all that has happened since July 4th!  We dated, got engaged, planned a wedding, got married, and went on a honeymoon.  
I have loved every second of our life together thus far.  I can't wait for all the amazing memories we have yet to share, but I will treasure all the ones we have already shared for as long as I live.

I thank God every day for making you especially for me.   I know that He knew the plan long before we even met each other. 

I love you with all my heart, Honey!
Love, Ash